Thursday, June 26, 2008

Self Absorbed

Me? Never! I met a guy recently who told me I am too self absorbed. After much thought and asking everyone I encountered (I know, how self absorbed of me!) I decided that yes I am and that it's ok! I'm 29 and single and who else do I have to worry about? Donald (my cousin) agrees with me. As much as we both want to be with someone we both LOVE to be on our own. Things are always were you leave them, the dishwasher is always loaded right, etc. Over the years I have really gotten to know myself and yes I do like myself. So if that makes me self absorbed than so be it!

Queen of the Self Portrait!

Mom & Grandma don't seem as into it as I am!

Ice Ice Baby!

Who would think that a hair dryer could fix your air conditioning! I called Dad yesterday complaining that my a/c wasn't blowing very well. He came over after work and after much debate as to what website to look at to find answers (we found it on MY search not his!) we discovered that my coils and other parts were covered in ice. I swear it had to be 3/4 of an inch thick! So after having dinner with Mom & Dad I sat down to thaw out my a/c. I was surprised as it only took about 45 minutes. I fired it up and what do ya know? Lots of cold air! Needless to say I am praising the a/c gods....and Dad too!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oh Baby!

Christmas is coming early this year! Susie and Will are giving me a new niece or nephew the first part of December. Mom, Dad and I are so excited to have a little one around!