Friday, March 27, 2009

Blurry but Beautiful

Mom tells me all the time that she has never met anyone that takes more self portraits of themselves than me. While at Mom and Dad's last weekend I took this of me and Roo and I simply love it...even if it is blurry. I love playing with her and making her laugh. But who wouldn't with as cute as she is. See Mom I got a good, although burry shot!

Later that night I was babysitting and we played and laughed until she fell asleep. Susie called me the next day asking what I did to her child. I panicked and thought, "Did I feed her too much, not enough, did I forget to burp her, etc?". Then she informed me that she was so tuckered out she slept through the night. Maybe that will encourage Susie to let me babysit more often!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Flowers in February

This year I decided to get out of town and enjoy myself for my birthday. I planned a trip to LA and since you get into Disneyland free on your birthday I thought why not. I was treated like a queen and didn't have to wait in lines! I was there less than 6 hours and had seen and done everything I wanted. When you don't have to wait in lines you get through it fast!

I then spent the rest of the weekend in town having fun and spending time in Santee Alley. I brought some new friends home with me as well. Louis, Jimmy, Chloe & Burke!

The weather was absolutely beautiful and brace! It was 89 degrees and I was prepared for 70's. Oh well, it was a trip to remember.