Saturday, November 8, 2008

Think Pink!

Last night we went to the Grizzlies game I won tickets to earlier in the week. Mom, Dad and I met at Chili's to grab a bite before the game and then Susie and Will met us there. Believe it or not it was a lot of fun. There was a couple good fights and lets face it, what is a hockey game without a good fight? Seeing grown men fight in pink jerseys on pink ice was pretty ironic!
I thought Mom was going to strangle the 2 pre-teen boys behind us. They were quite rude and so what the adult with them who didn't seem to care. Funny thing was that Mom thought the one was a girl. The Aerosmith song 'Dude Looks Like a Lady' has never been more true!
My first though was to take Braden, Cody and Brooke but they had plans so I decided to have an adults night. Turns out it will most likely be Susie's last night out without the baby. She went with me to the bathroom during the game and about gave some patrons a heart attack. She was waiting for me and squated down against the wall to rest while waiting. Some women came in thinking she was in labor! When I came out I could see why they thought that....too funny.

Sorry if the pictures aren't the best. I left my camera in the car so these were taken with my Blackberry.

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