Tuesday, November 4, 2008

O Happy Day

My day started earlier than I like....I left the house at 8am! I wanted to vote before work to avoid the long lines. I was in and out in no time at all. I didn't have to wait in line, in fact, all the volunteers were chomping at the bit to help me. It was nice to have the chance to vote. I feel that people that don't vote don't have the right to complain or disagree with decisions our lawmakers make. So vote!

Last night I was watching Good Things Utah just as I do every night and saw that the Tuesday Trivia was for Utah Grizzlies hockey tickets. So of course I entered for the chance to get tickets and take Cody. I was excited when Nicea called me this morning! I won 6 tickets for this Saturday's game. This game is the 3rd annual Pink Rink game. They color the ice pink and the players wear pink jerseys to raise money for breast cancer.

The best part about winning this contest was that I didn't have to be on tv. The best part of me was on tv though....my name! I've been kind down lately and this was a great pick me up!