Friday, December 26, 2008

Grandma in the Mountains

Grandma Nelson was here for Christmas this year. She usually comes up and it wouldn't be Christmas without Grandma. Christmas Eve Grandma got Sydney and that was it....she was in heaven. The other great-grand kids were vying for her attention as well. Brooke was so worried about Grandma in the Mountains and where she was and what she was doing. It's always fun having Grandma around!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Kid Christmas

Kids make Christmas so much fun! Here are some fun pics of my nieces and nephews this year!

Braden (12) dodged the camera all night
Cody (9) hammed it up for the camera
As did Brooklyn (4)
Sydney (3 weeks) slept and slept some more!

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Warm Christmas

I made Sydney a blanket (my first ever quilt) and Brooke wanted one too. I asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she said her 'special blanket'. Mom had Brooke and Cody one afternoon before Thanksgiving and they met me at Joann's to pick out fabric. I had promised Brooke a shopping trip so she could pick out the fabric herself. She picked the stars.....something I would have never picked!

While we were shopping Cody asked for a blanket as well. He wanted a soft hockey blanket. He picked the flannel for the top and I later got the fleece for the back. Fleece is a bugger to quilt on!

I think they turned out pretty cute. I did them both pretty basic as they are growing so quickly and I didn't want anything that they would grow out of too fast.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I Hate Feet!

Mom and I went to Kamas on Sunday on our way home from Fairview to see Sydney. We couldn't believe it when we first saw Susie. She was in pre pregnancy jeans! We took them to lunch at the diner in Oakley and mmmm it was yummy. Cute place with the best homemade potato chips.

Mom and I fought over Sydney the whole time we were there. I hadn't seen her as much and Mom is going up today and tomorrow so I took my time with her. I tried changing a diaper but got freaked out over her hip. I didn't want to be the one to pop it out. Then the girl peed on we have officially bonded.

When I was changing her diaper I did the most unexpected thing, I kissed her feet! As much as I hate feet and I was kissing them. Boy she must have a hold on me!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sydney is Here!

Sydney Verl Dugdale decided to make her entrance into this world last night! Susie did great and had a very smooth labor and delivery. All the nurses couldn't believe how well she did. Both Susie and Sydney are doing great. I swear I am not biased but this little girl is perfect! She is so dainty! She weighed 6.1 pounds and was 20.5 inches long. I can't wait to get to the hospital again and hold and smell her. There is nothing better than holding a new baby. When I first went in their room you would have wondered who the baby was as I was 'crying like a baby'!

Their first family photo

How cute is this!

Roo and her blubbering Auntie!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Yes, I'm a Twilight fan...

About a year and and a half ago my coworkers were talking incessntly about these vampire books. They kept at me to start them but continually pointed out that they were written by a BYU graduate which wasn't the best selling point. All I could think was how good can it be? A Mormom writing about vampires? A few weeks later when I couldn't stand it any longer I started reading Twilight so I knew what the heck they were talking about. Boy was I wrong! I started just before Eclipse came out so by the time I got through Twilight and New Moon it was there waiting for me. In the last year I have convinced many people to read them and they too are hooked. When Breaking Dawn came out a few months ago I was just as anxious as Braden was the night the last Harry Potter book came out. The movie comes out on the 21st and everyone pray that Susie isn't in labor....she's my date!

Susie sent me the link to do the quiz that tells you who you are most like from Twilight. She is like Bella and I am Esme. Who are you?

I'm a Esme! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Think Pink!

Last night we went to the Grizzlies game I won tickets to earlier in the week. Mom, Dad and I met at Chili's to grab a bite before the game and then Susie and Will met us there. Believe it or not it was a lot of fun. There was a couple good fights and lets face it, what is a hockey game without a good fight? Seeing grown men fight in pink jerseys on pink ice was pretty ironic!
I thought Mom was going to strangle the 2 pre-teen boys behind us. They were quite rude and so what the adult with them who didn't seem to care. Funny thing was that Mom thought the one was a girl. The Aerosmith song 'Dude Looks Like a Lady' has never been more true!
My first though was to take Braden, Cody and Brooke but they had plans so I decided to have an adults night. Turns out it will most likely be Susie's last night out without the baby. She went with me to the bathroom during the game and about gave some patrons a heart attack. She was waiting for me and squated down against the wall to rest while waiting. Some women came in thinking she was in labor! When I came out I could see why they thought that....too funny.

Sorry if the pictures aren't the best. I left my camera in the car so these were taken with my Blackberry.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

O Happy Day

My day started earlier than I like....I left the house at 8am! I wanted to vote before work to avoid the long lines. I was in and out in no time at all. I didn't have to wait in line, in fact, all the volunteers were chomping at the bit to help me. It was nice to have the chance to vote. I feel that people that don't vote don't have the right to complain or disagree with decisions our lawmakers make. So vote!

Last night I was watching Good Things Utah just as I do every night and saw that the Tuesday Trivia was for Utah Grizzlies hockey tickets. So of course I entered for the chance to get tickets and take Cody. I was excited when Nicea called me this morning! I won 6 tickets for this Saturday's game. This game is the 3rd annual Pink Rink game. They color the ice pink and the players wear pink jerseys to raise money for breast cancer.

The best part about winning this contest was that I didn't have to be on tv. The best part of me was on tv name! I've been kind down lately and this was a great pick me up!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Good Things Utah

I have a few days off for deerhunt so Mom and I went and saw a taping of Good Things Utah today. It was our second time being at a taping as we went once before for Mom's birthday a couple years ago. It was a lot of fun! After the show the producer came out and played trvia with the audience. He had 8 items and Mom and I both won one! Mom ended up giving the movie she won (Step It Up 2) to a teenager behind us and it totally made her day. I won the collector edition of the Nightmare Before Christmas. I was excited because I have wanted to see it (I haven't seen it yet...yes I live under a rock). We made an afternoon of it and went to lunch and shopping. We tried to go to Gardner Village but there were about a million people and kids there so we high-tailed it out of there quick! We shopped til we were tired and then went home and relaxed. Fun day!

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Blankie for Roo

Since Sydney (Roo is my nickname for in a baby Kangaroo) is almost here and will be living in the arctic I thought I would make her a blanket. I didn't want just any old blanket, it had to be sassy! I also didn't want to do a 'baby' blanket. I hope the she will use it longer after she's a baby.

This is the first quilt I have made. I've made tied blankets before but have never hand quilted a blanket. It was a lot of work but so worth it. I think I found a new hobby! Now I just need my own set of the pvc quilting frames. Too bad you can't buy them any more!

Busy Weekend!

This was quite a busy weekend. Saturday was Susie's baby shower and Cody's 1st hockey game/birthday party. It's a lot of fun to see Susie fat! I tease her that she is fat but she looks amazing. She really has only gained weight in her tummy. She made out like a bandit on the gifts! Her shower was fun and a lot of people came. It's always fun to see family and friends!

Cody's hockey game was tons of fun. He did such a good job. I know he loved having all his family there as well as his Great Grandma Nelson and cousins Jody and Brian. Jody and Brian are always fun to have around. After the game was a little pizza party. The kid looked exhausted! I was tired just watching him. Cody had asked me to make him a cake but we didn't sing Happy Birthday or serve the cake. Kinda weird....

On Sunday Mom and I took Grandma home to Fairview. We detoured through Kamas so Grandma could see where Susie lives. I sure hope Grandma starts to feel better soon.

Here are more pictures from the day...

(Look how cute Jody is. She really got into it!)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

35 Year Together

Holy Moley, Mom and Dad have been married now 35 years! All of us (the girls, spouses and grand kiddies) took them to dinner to celebrate. It was a lot of fun. Congrats!

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Declaration Of Independence

Mom and I met Mandi, Troy and the kids on Saturday to view a copy of the Declaration of Indepence. It was a long, hot and sometimes boring wait....all 3 hours and 45 minutes but worth the 30 seconds we got to see it. Someone at the capitol was smart and put together a bingo card (we used it more as a scavenger hunt) and word search for the kids. That killed about 30 minutes!